Spiritual Direction

What Is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is the practice of accompanying individuals as they seek to deepen their relationship with what holds meaning for them. It provides a nurturing space for personal growth and exploration of one’s spirituality, including the opportunity to grapple with it, or even to let it go and make space for something new.

Spiritual Direction involves working with a person trained in deep listening who offers you unconditional acceptance and the opportunity to express your whole self. There’s no need to be a perfect saint here… come as you are.

Spiritual Direction encourages us to encounter what is important in our lives, allowing us to experience greater freedom and understanding, to connect more deeply with ourselves and with the world, and to live with our Heart Wide Open.

What Happens In Spiritual Direction?

Sessions usually take place once a month and last about an hour.

They can take place via Zoom, phone, or in person, depending on what is most convenient for you. Each session is confidential.

A session usually begins with a short time of silence so that we can quiet ourselves and be present in our time together.

Some people talk about their relationship or connection to God or a Higher Power. Some share their challenges with developing a spiritual life or with organized religion. Some are healing from past hurts and traumatic experiences at churches or in daily life. Others are looking for ways to bring ritual and meaning into their lives. Many just want to talk.

It’s important to know that spiritual direction is not therapy or counseling. It is not evangelical or proselytizing. It has no pre-determined agenda or outcome. It is rather an opportunity to cultivate your inner life so that your daily life becomes richer and more meaningful.

Who Benefits From Spiritual Direction?

Anyone can benefit from spiritual direction. Some of the people I’ve worked with before include:

  1. Seekers: Individuals who are exploring their spiritual beliefs and practices and seeking guidance or direction.
  2. Those in Transition: People experiencing significant life changes such as career shifts or relationship changes.
  3. The “Faithful”: Individuals who are committed to a particular religious tradition and seek deeper understanding, growth, or discernment within that tradition.
  4. The “Doubtful”: People grappling with doubts or questions about their faith or spirituality. Spiritual direction offers a supportive environment to wrestle with, challenge, or re-consider our spirituality.
  5. Leaders: Clergy, spiritual leaders, or community leaders who would benefit from working with a trained spiritual director.
  6. The Curious: Those who have a general interest in exploring spirituality or contemplative practices and are looking for help with their exploration.
  7. The Suffering: Individuals facing challenges such as illness, grief, or trauma who seek someone who offers unconditional compassion and a listening ear.
  8. The Discerning: People facing important decisions or crossroads in their lives who seek spiritual discernment and guidance.
  9. The Burnt-Out: Those experiencing fatigue or burnout who seek renewal, restoration, and deeper connection with their spirituality.
  10. The Growth-Oriented: Individuals who are committed to personal or spiritual growth and are seeking guidance and support in their journey.

These are just some of the reasons people come to spiritual direction. No matter your belief system, spiritual, or religious background (including atheists and agnostics!), this is a space where all are welcome. I embrace sexual and gender diversity and extend a warm welcome to people of all ages and backgrounds. After all, this is your space and your time—come just as you are.

Schedule An Introductory Session

Join me for a free 30 minute “getting to know you” session. Full sessions are 60 minutes at $85 per hour. Many of my clients are on a sliding scale and pay less than the hourly rate. Let’s talk about it. I also offer a discount to military veterans, educators, and ordained clergy.

Get In Touch

If you’re interested in getting started or have questions, please contact me below, and I’ll respond to your message within 24 hours. I look forward to connecting with you!

Boundless Heart, LLC. Available online or in-person in the Kansas City Metro area.

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